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What do you need to disclose to us?
Over the course of your legal practice, your circumstances may change. Some changes affect how we can best contact you if we need to, while others can affect your ability to engage in legal practice. This page explains what those disclosures are and when you should make them.
Change of contact details
If your personal and/or professional contact details change, we need to know. It is vital that we have accurate records of all lawyers and law practices. This allows us to contact you about regulatory issues, such as renewing your practising certificate and changes to the law. Accurate records will also allow consumers to check and confirm that you are entitled to engage in legal practice.
If any of the following personal or professional details change, please let us know as soon as possible:
- your name;
- your address for service (e.g. your home or work address);
- your phone number;
- your email address;
- the business name and contact details of your employer; and
- if you run a law practice, your business name and contact details.
You can notify us of these changes through LSB Online.
If you are a locally registered foreign lawyer, you should notify us using the form: Notification of change of information – Australian-registered foreign lawyer.
If you have moved to Victoria from interstate or overseas, you must let us know within 14 days if you intend to practise law in Victoria.
Show cause or notifiable events
If you have a current practising certificate or a registration certificate, you must tell us of any ‘show cause events’ that has occurred For more information on show cause events, please see the Show cause events page.
Mental health issues
If you have a mental health condition and it does not interfere with your capacity to engage in legal practice, we do not require you to disclose it to us.
As the regulator, we are only concerned with issues (whether involving mental health or otherwise) that impact on a lawyer’s legal practice. Our focus is on encouraging lawyers to seek help from appropriate support services if they have a mental health condition.
We will treat all disclosures about your mental health with strict confidentiality and without discrimination. It will not necessarily lead us to decide that you are not fit to practise.
For more information on how we deal with mental health issues, please see our Mental Health Policy.